Expert Lecture on Range Extended Electric vehicle

An industrial expert talk was conducted on 09th August 2018 on “Range Extended Electric Vehicle” for III, V and VII semester students of Automobile Engineering. The event was conducted by SAE club in association with SAE INDIA. Mr. Rakesh, Manager, SAEINDIA – Bangalore Section was also present for the event which took place from 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM at Falconry Seminar Hall
The following topics were covered during the lecture.
- Basic layout of an electric vehicle
- Layout and working of a hybrid car
- Concept of Regenerative braking and its importance.
- Concept of Range Extension in Electric Vehicle.
- Use of IC engine – generator to recharge the battery, increasing the range.
- SAE-REEV competition structure and rules.
The session was interactive, with interesting questions from the students